When christiantoday.com have a poll and 92% say Nye won the debate, and incredibly Pat Robertson, of all people, says Ken Ham should shut up, then i think you'll find there WAS a winner on that debate.
You may not care, but i shouldn't have called you that and have edited my post accordingly. I hope you can accept my apology.
Being against drugs is fine. I have no problem with that. You clearly have a severe lack of understanding on the issue of addiction though which is why i got a bit angry with your post.
Being ignorant about a subject is not a problem..we're all ignorant about many things, but when you make sweeping generalisations on subjects you are ignorant about you always end up looking stupid.
When someone dies young from a heart attack i bet you wouldn't react in the same way, yet most people who die young from heart attacks have "brought it upon themselves" in some way (bad diet, smoking etc)
When someone dies young in a motor racing accident they have brought it upon themselves for partaking in a blatantly dangerous activity. Do you dismiss their death as easily as you do a drug addict? Of course not.
Addiction is a complex issue that can affect anyone. There are so many social, personal and mental issues involved in addictions that to dismiss someone's death due to addiction as somehow entirely their own fault is to make a point from ignorance and shows a complete lack of understanding, and a terrible lack of empathy as well i might add.
To apply "i dont feel sorry for them, they brought it upon themselves" to one thing because it's drugs and not to anything else that is somewhat self inflicted is hypocritical at best.
There is no indication that this was suicide. In fact there is a deadly batch of fentanyl-laced heroin doing the rounds on the east coast that appeared very recently and has killed load of users. There is a suspicion that this might be what caught him out.
Until we have the facts it's best to stop all this suicide speculation as its completely unfounded.
The guy was clean for 23 years. He had a problem with prescription drugs last year and eventually went back on heroin recently. He checked himself into rehab within a week of starting the heroin again apparently. Not the actions of someone who want to kill themselves.
You might not have given a shit, but quite frankly that says more about you than anything else.
EDIT: You are all entitled to your opinions of course, but opinions born from ignorance really hold no weight whatsoever.
People from all walks of life end up with drug problems for many different reasons. To instantly dismiss someone's death just because it was due to drug addiction is incredibly ignorant and immature. That attitude ****ing stinks and just shows a complete lack of understanding.
If it were a member of your family you wouldn't be sitting there saying "oh well, i dont feel sorry for them, it was their own fault"
It's also completely inappropriate in this thread.
Where have you been? It's been known for a very long time that they were going to do paid DLC. I cant believe anyone thinks this is in any way surprising news.
How else did you think they were going to fund development for the next 5 + years?